OT Freedom Collective


Creating a business requires upskilling in many areas, all at the same time!

After years of supporting OTs to create a freedom style business on my own. I decided to start enlisting the support from other experts.
This has grown over a 6 month period, and we have decided to make this more official.
We realise that one approach, and using only one person as a coach will not always align to everyone.
That's why we created a whole fresh approach.
You now have access to 3 experts, all with an Occupational Therapy background. They have all 3 successfully created a freedom lifestyle with their own business, and bring different expertise.


Welcome to a New Era for OTs!


We’ve supercharged our programme!!

We are excited to announce our recent changes. We now offer a unique, team-based approach designed specifically for OTs like you who are ready to create a freedom-style business and escape burnout and overwhelm. 
This means you’ll have access to not one, but THREE people who have  who have already crafted their own life of freedom. Beki who is a former OT now lifestyle and business coach and Meg and Lynsay both highly experienced occupational therapists in their chosen fields.
Our team approach ensures you receive personalised support and the flexibility to work with the expert who best aligns with your needs. Stay tuned to learn more about how we can help you transform your career and life! 

Most business programmes focus on business strategy alone. Or you work with mindset coaches.
This involves the 3 key elements you will need to design your own freedom style business.  


These are:
1) Deeply understanding you - in order to design the business around the very things that energise you.
2) Business Strategy - teaching you the highest profit actions to make profit first, then add in passivity later.
3) Mindset and Energetics - supporting you for the steep growth you will have in areas such as imposter syndrome, money mindset, facing fears and more.
Most services focus on one or the other and are incomplete services. This means you are usually receiving services lacking everything you need and why you do not experience the results you were hoping for.
By working with people who understand your unique skillset of OT, you will get better results.
Who is this NOT for?
  • If you want to create a bricks and mortar style OT practice
  • If you do not want to use social media to advertise
  • If you want a fully face to face business
  • If you want to sell only low cost items
  • If you are looking for a small side hustle
  • If you wish to keep hourly rates for clients
  • If you are creating a charity
  • If you are looking for legal or financial advice
This offer is for OTs who wish to transform their lives and create a business that reflects the core of who they are.
Myself and my team will teach you how to create a freedom style business. This means using your skills and packaging them up into high ticket offers.
I know you may want passivity - but racing to that first will cause you slow growth. Believe me when I say, I have studied many business designs. You want to learn how to make money first, master those skills THEN automate your business from there.

Join here - Pay Monthly

Meet the Team

Beki Eakins

Beki experienced burnout from trying to be a Mum, run a home and trying to work as an OT.  Sadly, many OTs experience a similar fate, even in business they become a slave to their own success by creating a busy OTpractice.  Or they work for a system that they feel trapped by, and are not allowed to be the OT they dreamed of.
But it doesn’t have to be this way. 
"You hear stories of instagrammers making millions whilst sitting at home. You see affiliate marketers who have found freedom. But OTs have spent years studying and gaining valuable skills. It feels wrong to waste that, and create an online business that does not allow you to use these skills."

Lynsay McFarlane-Shaw

Occupational therapist in the UK for 30 years. OT Supervisor and Mentor.

"I have been coached by Beki and sat where you are right now, completed the brilliant modules of the course and participated in the group calls. Beki helped me take my OT supervision business online.
Now it’s my turn to help you. I have a variety of skills in supervision and mentorship, business, wellbeing and self-care. I can help you find your own way to a successful practice using your unique OT skills."

Meg Smeraglia

"Whether you are on a self-discovery journey or facing a challenging time, I feel you. After spending nearly a decade in the mental health world, I’ve supported clients through everything under the sun.
It’s beautiful how healing has a ripple effect. During my years guiding others along their road to wellness, I experienced a profound personal transformation.
 As a holistic occupational therapist, I never really fit into traditional healthcare, as I pushed the system to serve clients’ whole being, not just fragmented parts. I'm now here to help you understand your whole being."

What this is not


This isn't a group programme, a course, or some low level offer.
I will not teach you to spend money, before you are bringing it in.
I will not encourage you to make ads, build websites or hire staff - until you are making more than enough to cover this.
This is an action-based container with some simple guidelines for you to follow and if you do… you will start banking 5,000-15,000 every single month.
If you want a system that is reliable but also customised to you then this is for you.

Here's what you will get when we work together:

  • A personalised plan for 10-12 hours work weekly - that can grow into a full time (25 hours per week max business)
  • Help with designing your high ticket offer
  • Launching strategies that feel aligned to you
  • Tech support from my Kajabi and branding expert, Helen
  • Personalised 1:1 calls with Beki, Lynsay and Meg
  • Community support with many other OTs from around the world, all sharing ideas and thoughts. There is power in this!

A business you love that keeps your bank account full and your calendar empty. No more trading your time for money. 
No unnecessary stress, overwhelm or risk of burnout.
Some of my OTs want to run hard and fast at this - and we can match this pace. Others prefer to take their time, they tell me, Beki - this will take me longer but I will have more balance. That is also ok. We work at your pace. I will push you for growth, but at your pace. We can do this, because it is a personalised programme.

1: Design your high ticket offer 
We will take your skills and passions and teach you how to package them up into a high ticket offer. This is a personalised and bespoke service and what you produce will be unique to you!
If you already have a business, and have lots of resources, courses or other materials - we will use whatever we can.
If you are brand new, we can take you from not even having an idea, to launching and scaling.
We have specialised skills in increasing the value and pricing of services whilst also making sure it's highly leveraged and scalable so you can sell as many spots as you desire. There are a number of business strategies available to you.
We will help you use your life story, and skills to ensure that your offer truly comes from your heart - and reflects the very core of who you are. When you create a business that is so aligned to you, it becomes an easy sell.
This process will have you selling at a higher price point meaning you need fewer yes’s to make more money.
Creating a high ticket offer that deeply solves a problem is life changing for a client, but will also help you earn much more and work less.
2: Master your marketing
We will teach you a number of strategies where you can get quick wins in finding clients online.
We will help you to elevate your profile and rise in social leadership.
Mastering your marketing in business is a big deal. This is HOW you get paid. You will not be handing it over to others until you have cracked your unique marketing message and strategy.
Sales is a big process, and we will teach you the language, and skills required to smash this! This is also where a lot of the mindset and energetics will come into effect - as you learn how to be fully sold on yourself.

3: Repeat, automate, delegate
Once you have mastered each stage, we can look at ways to improve the ease of what you do. With automations, delegations and systems that you can use to save your precious time.
We will help you to make money, put cash in your pocket and then use a small percentage to reinvest into lead generation and increasing traffic coming into your world.
The way we have created this service is so that it pays for itself. The ongoing support and mentorship will be paid for by the money we help you to make. This is an investment not an expense!
Now, enough about the programme for a few minutes. I know you want to know what others have done! So let’s study some of my past clients.
Clients have built coaching, mentoring, education or supervision style businesses. There have been OTs design consultancy style work, or hybrid offers including all sorts. I had an OT with a fire breathing business and others who combine dance, movement, nature, hypnotherapy, mindfulness, reiki, yoga and lots of other delights! If you have a passion for it, there is a good chance we could include it in your offer!
We have paediatric OTs galore, mental health OTs, but we also help OTs who feel they are jack of all trades and master of none. 

Read the case studies below to see what you can achieve! 

Ok, so you are still interested and want to know the exact details of what we are offering in this 6 month programme? 


Coaching and Mentoring

  • Onboarding call with Beki where you will work out the best strategy and fit for you
  • 6 x 1:1 calls with Beki, Meg or Lynsay for business design, lifestyle, strategy and energetics support
  •  Private 1:1 support via chat, videos, and voice messages (max 15 mins weekly)
  •  2 group calls per month alongside other aspiring OT entrepreneurs.


  • Be surrounded by the right people with a growth mindset
  • Have community support, a place to share and grow
  • Book club, and group challenges
  • Ask questions, share wins, be supported, develop a winning mentality 
  • Access to Helen, my tech lady, Kajabi and branding expert


  • Free access to over 50 modules of recorded video content
  • This will teach you everything you need to know from finding your purpose, designing your offer to launching and scaling strategies
  • Meditations and strategies to support your energetics 

What you need to commit to:
  • Working for 10-12 hours weekly on your highest profit actions 
  • Completing the week check-in form
  • Arriving with the right attitude and a willingness to work

How does it work?
  • Be committed and make sure that you implement the system and you hit your KPIs
  • This works every time… but only if you use it as instructed


 “I have learned more in the calls with Meg than all the previous learning I have done in human design. She has a gift for making human design accessible to the normal person. I love the human design piece.
The coaching with Beki was so much more in alignment with where I need to take the business, than just your standard business coaching where you are learning the strategies. I love the energetics and mindset piece”
Kaili designed and sold her first high ticket offer for $1000 in just 5 weeks. This was just the beta price and she will be selling at a much higher price going forwards.


The investment 


For the whole 6 month programme, with intensive support the investment is:

£4500, (USD 5734) or 6 monthly payments of £833 (USD 1061)


Select your Offer and join below:

Still have questions?

Email Beki at [email protected]

Why do we do this?

We have a dream to help OTs find their version of freedom. We want to help OTs to create a lifestyle they love, whilst still pursuing their passions and following their heart.
We believe OTs have a unique message to give to the world. But they are held back by fears, poor money mindset and a lack of business strategy and marketing skills.
We see OTs racing for passive income, and making their life miserable in the process.
We see OTs becoming a victim of their own successful practice.
We want to have a genuine positive impact and change people's lives.
We have found a different way of living. We have each created a life where every day we CHOOSE what we do. We each chose freedom, and chose to believe that it was possible to create in our lifetime.
We chose to have a high income, at the time of writing we bring in around 15 times my old OT wage. We have bought in a whole year’s OT wage in one month!
If we help enough people get what they want, then by default, we will get what we want 
This service is our primary focus and our priority. As a result of this, you will receive the best of us and you will be treated with the highest regard, and your business success is everything to us. 

So that is it 
Now you have read through exactly what we have to offer you and where we will take your business
Join our most popular Monthly Payment Offer Here
Common questions asked by you
Website Disclaimer:
The information provided on this website is for general informational and educational purposes only. I accept no responsibility for any legal or financial decisions made based on the information provided on this website. It is important to seek your own legal and financial advice within your own country before making any decisions.
Furthermore, occupational therapy regulations vary across the world, and it is important to ensure that you remain compliant within your own area. I accept no responsibility for any legal or regulatory compliance issues that may arise from the use of the information provided on this website.
It is important to seek professional advice and conduct your own research to ensure that you are in compliance with the occupational therapy regulations and laws within your area. By using this website, you agree to release Beki Eakins Limited from any and all liability related to the use of the information provided. Thank you.