What’s a freedom style business for OTs?

freedom ot Oct 20, 2023

I will never guide anyone into creating a busy OT practice. That goes against my values. It’s no problem if that’s what you want to do - but that will never be what I choose to help people with.


My focus is the path of least resistance. To find fun, fulfilment and freedom.


There is a reason for this. We all have our unique life journey and with it a unique message to the world. My journey has shocked me out of being too busy in a big way - and forced me to look at chilled out alternatives.


My daughter was the first one to show me the beauty of slowing down. When she was 4, I found myself constantly telling her to hurry up. Rushing her through food, walking and all her daily tasks, until one day I realised how tortuous it must be for this young child to be pushed into rushing her life. She had a natural ability to enjoy and savour every moment in life which I realised was lost in my fast paced life.


It was a big ‘ah ha’ moment and we allowed her to stop going to school and created a life with flow so she could follow her natural rhythms. We started worldschooling and allowed both children to absorb education in inspiring ways. Watching her flourish under these conditions and develop such massive passions for history and music has remained my biggest inspiration.


My husband (now ex-husband) had a massive heart attack aged 41 when we were both OTs. This was a shock to my system. This was the ultimate end result to not slowing down. The heart attack took a year to recover from both physically but also emotionally for us both.


From that moment on I was obsessed with creating a new version of reality. I researched and studied for years into how to create a freedom style lifestyle. I needed to be responsive to my kids' needs, and find flow as a family. I could see worldschoolers, van dwellers and others managing to find freedom - so why couldn’t I, as an OT create this too? 


I felt like I didn't have the skills, confidence or knowledge to do this. Quite honestly it took years for me to gain these. Multiple businesses were started. I studied with many top coaches and entrepreneurs, learning from the best.


Eventually I found it. I created it and I stepped into the reality I had once dreamed of. I started travelling for 3 months every year, around the UK and in Australia. I created a life with no alarm clock, and one where I could work where and when I felt like it. When I left my husband I was in a position to be able to travel, live in hotels and airbnbs and now have the most beautiful home in the middle of a working farm in the Welsh countryside. During this time of walking away from my marriage I was able to work 10 hours per week and yet my business still grew. I thank it every day for allowing me to step into my new life so gracefully.


And the biggest learning point from this - was that OTs have the skills to do this in a much quicker way. I went around the houses and back again to realise that there was a much faster way of making this happen! The whole journey has made me recognise the massive need for OT skills in the online world. I now see that OTs can package up their skills in unique and inspiring ways to create a deep impact across the world. Healthcare is changing, the world is changing and we can be at the forefront of this! It’s so exciting. I don’t want to leave you with a misconception that you can step into a new reality without some work. This journey has taken lots of soul searching, pushing through fears and digging deep in personal development. It has also taken a certain level of being obsessive and taking daily action no matter how I feel, just to gain the skills and knowledge needed.


When I teach people to create their own version of freedom we use the online space. This allows for greater ease on automations, delegations and systems. We also look at what is on your heart - and create a business that is in full alignment and you have flow. This will reduce the friction in your business. Very often clients flip into a coaching, mentoring, education, consulting or supervisory model - and sometimes they don’t! Your unique business idea will develop as we learn more about what inspires you and what you love to do.


I believe true freedom allows you to follow your heart every day. It’s not all about travelling and time freedom, but being able to pursue your passions, find your flow and do what sparks joy every day of your life. 

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