What do other's say about Beki's courses?
Ivan shares how he’s gone from just having conversations, and not making sales, to securing 8 sales and lining up even more.
Alex very quickly replaced her OT wage and left her job to concentrate on her business full time within 9 months.
Shaenelle signed up 5 clients within 3 weeks, all on big packages meaning she did not have to return to her OT job after the summer break.
During her fifth month on the Abundance Accelerator she brought in 10k of cash sales!
Lisa just signed her first 1:1 client!! AND created a webinar, AND got people signed up to it...all in one week!!
Clare - Clinical Hypnotherapist / Mindfulness Coach
Clare was earning a maximum of £400 per month in her business before we worked together. At this stage Clare has passed £2000 per month and she is headed towards her next goal of £4000 monthly. Clare has created a beautiful, blended business where she works 1:1, in schools and hosts groups. Clare loves the flexibility of working with different client groups and find this approach holds her interest.
Learn more about Clare here
There is not a one size fits all approach in business.
Orla is a great example of this. Things that were happening in her external world, affected her internal reality. This then affected her ability to show up in business.
We worked on mindset. When Orla says that it was not easy, it's because she bravely tackled the inner challenges. She pushed through the difficult times and took massive action.
One of these was facing the camera for social media. This is not just "easy" for everyone. It can take courage to put yourself on social media and this can be an energy drain for some.
Orla has created a beautiful business, has 3 regular clients and funnels that are set up and ready for her to expand on this start.
Things are all coming together, the moment a client POPs and everything ties together is different for everyone. But now Orla has the skills she needs to get regular clients.
The next piece of work we tackle will be automating and delegating this strong foundation so she can attract in more abundance with ease.
Our shadow work session today was such an eye opener for me.
Today might have been my favourite session because I left feeling so energized and inspired. And suddenly I had a burst of inspiration for my content! I didn't understand it before, but the way you guided me through it made it so easy for me to face those repressed memories.
You allowed me to face a self- I didn't recognize...a self I had no awareness of. I can't believe how easy it became to be vulnerable and how light I felt after letting go of the heaviness I didn't know I was carrying. I can't wait to do more of these!
- Shaenelle signed up 5 clients within 3 weeks, all on packages meaning she did not have to return to her OT job after the summer break. During her fifth month on the Abundance Accelerator she brought in 10k of cash sales! Shaenelle has continued to hit consistently high months after working together as her business has really taken off.
See Shaenelle here

"Beki hasn't asked me to write this and has no idea what I'm going to say, but she doesn't ask often for testimonials and I had a lot of thoughts and feelings I wanted to share.
"When I reached out to Beki, I wanted to be a coach but I had received very little coaching myself. I realise now how mad that sounds. I wanted people to invest in me, but I hadn't invested much in myself. I'd had a couple of sessions with one person and tried the freebies of a few others.
What made me choose Beki was how wonderfully human and actually imperfect she was. She won't mind me saying this. She didn't have a corporate intimating website, her social media posts didn't look like they'd been crafted by a big design agency, and she turned up to the intro call with paint on her face.
She turns up authentically, honestly and comfortably as herself, and this is a level of confidence and self ownership that I wanted. I wanted someone to look up to that wasn't impossible to achieve. (You mean you can make money, help others AND still be yourself? Yessss!) I also wanted a strong, fun, brave, inspiring woman and she is all these things.
I told her "I think I'm ok with the mindset stuff but I want someone to help teach me the business side of things". How wrong I was.
Despite years of therapy, most of what I know about overcoming my mindset has come from Beki. Yes she teaches me how to market my business, sign up clients and charge for my worth (and much more), but she really teaches me to push and challenge myself in a way others don't.
She knows how hard it is to put ourselves out there, to battle all the feelings of inadequacy, embarrassment and pure fear sometimes. She's stepped over to the other side of that and shares her experience with us so that we feel empowered and trust that we can do the same.
The content she delivers is excellent by itself, but it's how she is guiding me through it and supporting me as I figure it all out that makes her stand out. She responds to all my messages, no matter how ridiculous they are, she's always there.
I've signed up 3 paid clients now and 3 unpaid trial clients before that, all of which have been since I started working with Beki.
She has truly helped me start my business and I'm so grateful and proud we get to call ourselves entrepreneurs and coaches, helping people live their best lives.
I hope this helps someone take the plunge and know that it won't be a decision you stand a chance of regretting ."
After I completed my coaching accreditation I thought that I would feel confident to go out there and find clients with relative ease, afterall, I knew that I could help people with the skills that I had acquired. But things didn’t quite work out like that. I felt lost and every strategy I tried always made me end up in the same position…terrified. This cycle continued for a long time and each time my confidence was knocked further and further down.
One day, I reached out for help and was recommended to get in touch with Beki. We jumped on a call and she understood my fears. We had so much in common and I felt comfortable to let her know how I was really feeling. Beki helped me to gain some confidence back again and get moving on finding clients, however, the dreaded fear came back. I retreated. But this time I was not on my own. Beki supported me and helped me to dig into what was behind these fears. She gave me space and strategies to work through the limitations that I was placing on myself and allowed me to go at my own pace.
Not only did Beki’s coaching help me to work through my fears but I was introduced to a small community of women who supported each other. I was welcomed into the group and without even realising (or trying), found my first client. And just like that, my confidence started gaining strength again.
Fast forward a few months, I now support a community of ladies within my niche, have 2 further clients, and the best part…I get to do this with a business partner and friend for life, who I wouldn’t have met if it wasn’t for Beki’s course and community.
Beki now supports us both to fulfil our dreams and spread our message. We couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you Beki.

Work with me
Are you ready to discuss how my programmes can help you achieve results? Book a call with me now
Book a free call nowI have to say that since I met Beki, my life has been changing for the better. I was stuck with my business and there had been no growth or new clients. I wasn’t even having conversations with potential clients.
After getting onto the Abundance Accelerator Programme, I have learnt so much already in only three weeks! I implemented all the changes suggested by Beki to my social media. I have followed her teaching and had about fifty new conversations with a few calls.
I can feel the energy of the business changing. There is a momentum that has been generated and I feel incredibly supported by Beki and my new friends on the Programme. I can’t wait to see what lies ahead. I am so excited!
I find working with Beki very valuable. I have grown and become more confident and I am becoming comfortable with being visible! I would highly recommend Beki!
I would whole-heartedly encourage anyone to take Beki's 1:1 transformational coaching sessions. If you put the time and money into investing in yourself; you'll reap dividends.
The programme worked around my schedule and as I struggled with fatigue; it was very flexible. I also had access to her website- where she uploads new content regularly.
I found it easy to open up and be honest with her; and this facilitated our discussions during the 1:1 coaching. Beki actively listened to me in a non-judgemental manner. She utilises Motivational Interviewing to get to the root of intentions behind my thoughts about behaviour in order to elicit change.
Beki’s coaching had a positive impact on my life.
1-2-1 Coaching Client.
Louisa handed her notice in at work a few weeks after starting the course!
The course is inspiring. It provides a safe container to access support to take action, get inspiration & overcome blocks.
I feel like I would have been struggling along without it -wading thru thick self-doubt & anxiety re the financial risks of giving up being an employee.
From a mindset perspective it has Increased my self-belief & awareness, also feel it helps keeps me in alignment with pursuing my dreams & groups etc leave me feeling connected, reassured & reenergised.
I love the group coaching calls!
I absolutely loved Beki’s energy, enthusiasm, and commitment to creating and living a life where she lives life on her terms. It was inspiring and really opened my eyes to what is possible when we go after what we want.
It also really appealed to me because my own wish is to create a life where I can work from home and be more present for my own children. I signed up to Beki’s course called ‘The Abundance Activator’ about 6 months ago and in that time, I have learned so much about what it takes to live life on purpose and create and run a business.
More importantly, I have also gained an understanding of who I need to become in order to make my vison and dreams a reality. Beki has created the most amazing community of like-minded women who are also on a mission to help others and make a difference in the world. The love, support and encouragement that has blossomed from being in Beki’s world is second to none.
After a period of being stuck and not knowing what direction I wanted to go in – she helped me open up with what was really holding me back. Which was essentially what I needed to face head on.
This jumpstarted my business idea exponentially!
“This course has been brilliant, absolutely brilliant. I am so pleased I signed up. I knew instinctively when we first spoke that I wanted to work with you and you’ve given us so much. Not only strategy but mindset as well. You’ve been incredibly generous with it all.”
“I am so grateful for everything. My life, the impact that I have managed to have, the knowledge that you have given to me – I am a better person for it.”
“That session was fantastic. Well done you for doing such a great session. I definitely feel a lot more fired up. Come on – now I can do this. Definitely it is working it’s magic and was a really good push!”
Our shadow work session today was such an eye opener for me.
Today might have been my favourite session because I left feeling so energized and inspired. And suddenly I had a burst of inspiration for my content! I didn't understand it before, but the way you guided me through it made it so easy for me to face those repressed memories.
You allowed me to face a self- I didn't recognize...a self I had no awareness of. I can't believe how easy it became to be vulnerable and how light I felt after letting go of the heaviness I didn't know I was carrying. I can't wait to do more of these!
Beki is an amazing coach! She is truly in inspiring and left me feeling motivated, focused and ready to achieve my goals. Since speaking with Beki I am in a much better position personally and professionally. I would most definitely recommend Beki to others.
I feel excited to be working with you now as you have done it and I’m sure I will get there too. Thanks again for the call and I am really enjoying and gaining so much from our calls. It feels good actually talking to people, getting them into the group etc. This is definitely working!